April Showers

Name: April Showers

Description: "May"(L): Mohair plush, height 3", jointed shoulders and neck, glass eyes, inset whiskers, resin hands/feet, leather tail, cotton dress and ruffled batiste apron, silk bows on each ear. "Mouse Suitor"(R): Mohair plush, height 3", jointed shoulders and neck, glass eyes, inset whiskers, resin hands/feet, leather tail, cotton twill overcoat and molded felt bowler hat. Carries bouquet of felt 'Forget-me-Not' flowers. Based on an illustration by Racy Helps.

Date of Release: 2013

Edition Notes: Ltd. Ed. 50 Sets. Created for a special event "April Showers Bring May Flowers" at the R. John Wright convention.

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